*English is below.
2月にハワイで試写を行って以来停止しておりました『Okagesama de』の制作を、再開いたします。
今後は、ハワイでの試写で見えた修正点や追加情報、追加映像等も集め凡そ100分に纏めるつもりです。 予告篇
そのためNPO法人NAC-JとしてPeyPalアカウントを取得しドネーションサイトを立ち上げました。今回は、広くハワイやアメリカへも支援を広めたいと考えております。シェアをしてお知り合い等に広めていただけますと非常に助かります。 PayPal アカウント
ゆうちょ銀行 00220-2-49140 ナックジェイ宛
また併せて、『Go for Broke!』の上映会のお願いも続けております。
『Go for Broke!』と同じように、2018年のインタビュー撮影からやはり2年の歳月が過ぎました。『Go for Broke!』の時は東日本大震災がありました。そして今回はコロナウイルス禍です。
『Go for Broke!』では、編集を終えカタチになった日にベテランの逝去の知らせが届きました。また、横浜の海外移住資料館ホールでの記録的な来場者による試写会成功の夜に、やはり証言者が亡くなった知らせが届きました。私共の活動は、期間中に大きな災厄がありますし、何かしら嬉しいことがあると、同じタイミングで悲しい知らせも届きます。
・ヨシアキ・フジタニ…MISベテラン/本願寺総長 (母の物語)
・マーガレット・オダ…女性教育者(幼少期の価値観と仕事での女性差別) アーカイブはDiscover Nikkeiから
・ヨシアキ・フジタニ…MISベテラン/本願寺総長 (Nani K’au Lady Dr. マーガレット・オダ)
We will be resuming production of "Okagesama de", which has been suspended since we previewed it in Hawaii in February.
We are planning to collect corrections and additional information from the preview in Hawaii, as well as additional footage, to make a 100 minute film. Trailer
However, we are still seeking funding to cover the cost of the work to complete the film.
Therefore, we are going to get a PayPal account as a non-profit organization NAC-J and make a donation site. We have launched the program. This time, we would like to spread our support to Hawaii and the United States as well. We would be very grateful if you would share it with your friends and acquaintances.
Please contact us at : PayPal Account
If you feel it's too much trouble to register an account, or if you're not comfortable with using your credit card, you can transfer the money to our NPO account at the Japan Post Bank.
Our NAC-J account at:
00220-2-49140 Please write "Okagesamade".
Please note that donations to Japanese NPOs are tax deductible in Japan. Please let us know if you need a receipt for your donation.
We are also continuing to ask for screenings of "Go for Broke!
We are asking for a minimum of 30 people, so we are not showing a movie, but rather we are asking for a WS of the modern history of Hawaii. We think it would be easier for you to understand if you think of this as a workshop to learn. We will also bring a projector and audio speakers for that many people. If you have a white wall, you can be held it.
As with "Go for Broke!", it's still two years since we shot the interview in 2018. Years have passed. At the time of "Go for Broke", there was the Great East Japan Earthquake and this time, there was the coronavirus disaster.
The day we finished editing "Go for Broke", we received word of the veteran's death. It arrived. Also, on the night of the successful preview by a record-breaking crowd at the Overseas Migration Museum Hall in Yokohama, We have received the news of the other witness death of Our activities have been a great misfortune during the period, and when there is something to be happy about, the same We have received some sad news at the right time.
Nevertheless, we will continue to move forward for the sake of the Nikkei who have testified and for the sake of all those who have supported us so far.
We would like to ask for your continued support and encouragement.
The witnesses and testimonials are as follows.
- Barbara Kawakami…Author and Nikkei Immigration Workers Researcher (My mother & Picture Bride)
- Tomoe Oketani…Quilter(Nisei woman's girl period & Katsu Goto)
- Yoshiaki Fujitani…MIS Vets/Hongwanji Bishop (Mother story)
- Aiko Kobayashi…Teacher(Okumura dormytory)
- Tomoko Izumi…Author(Rev. father's concentration)
- Barbara Kawakami…Author and Nikkei Immigration Workers Researcher(Brother's volunteer and mother)
- Jane Oki…100th widow(State of parents when arrived news of my brother's KIA)
- Joseph Kuroda…State Senator(Kuroda field in Waikiki)
- Susan Tamakawa…Teacher(Mother was a priestess of Maui Jinsha Shrine)
- Tomoe Oketani…Quilter(Legendary quilt club)
- Margaret Oda…Female activist(Childhood & Discrimination of career) Archives from Discover Nikkei
- Yoshiaki Fujitani……MIS Vets/Hongwanji Bishop (Nani K'au Lady Dr. Oda)
- Lilian Yajima…Female activist & Kumu Hula(Japanese Woman’s Society)
- Lilian Yuriko Gima, Janet Yasuko Ginoza, Yoshiko Nakasone…(Jiko-en Story)
- Kazuko Sinoto…Scholar(Japanese immigrant)only narration and images
- Neil Abercrombie…Govenor(Patsy Takemoto Mink)
- Tadao Sakamoto…Kona Coffee farmer(Cultivating new land parents)
- Herbert Yanamura…MIS Vets(Nisei mother in Kona)
- Shigeko Nakasone…Kona Coffee farmer(Post-war marriage)
- Emiko Okuna…Kona Coffee farmer(Post-war marriage)
- Norman Sakata…Kona Coffee Festival President(Grandmother’s story)